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Mount Kilimanjaro Climbing Tour

This Mount Kilimanjaro is a majestic mountain located in northeastern Tanzania, East Africa. Standing tall at an impressive elevation of 5,895 meters (19,341 feet), it is the highest peak on the African continent and one of the most sought-after destinations for adventurers and nature enthusiasts from around the world. One of the fascinating aspects of Mount Kilimanjaro is its remarkable success rate in terms of climbers reaching its summit. With careful planning, adequate acclimatization, and proper guidance, the success rate for reaching the summit is relatively high. On average, around 70% to 75% of climbers successfully conquer the peak of Kilimanjaro. However, it's important to note that reaching the summit is not an easy feat and requires physical fitness, mental determination, and appropriate preparation.

The altitude on Mount Kilimanjaro plays a crucial role in the climbing experience. As climbers ascend the mountain, they experience a significant change in altitude, which can pose challenges to the body due to the decreasing oxygen levels. Altitude sickness, such as nausea, headaches, and fatigue, can affect climbers if they ascend too rapidly without allowing their bodies to acclimatize properly. It is essential for climbers to follow the recommended itineraries that include gradual ascent and rest days to minimize the risk of altitude-related issues and increase the chances of a successful summit attempt. Mount Kilimanjaro's awe-inspiring elevation, high success rate, and the unique experience of trekking through various climatic zones make it an incredible destination for those seeking adventure and a glimpse of Africa's stunning natural beauty.

Highest Free Stand
5-11 Days

About Kilimanjaro Tour

Mount Kilimanjaro Tour to 5,895 meters (19,341 feet) is an incredible hiking and climbing and challenging tour but rewarding unforgettable climbing experience from 5 to 11 days to the summit at the Uhuru Peak. It is a dormant stratovolcano characterized by its three distinct volcanic cones: Kibo, Mawenzi and Shira. Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro involves navigating through various ecological zones, including lush rainforests, alpine meadows and barren arctic-like landscapes. The ascent to the summit requires determination, physical endurance and acclimatization to the high altitude. Reaching to Uhuru Peak, the highest point on Kilimanjaro, offers a sense of accomplishment and breathtaking panoramic views that stretch across the vast African plains. Kilimanjaro climbing tours typically involve professional guides, porters and a well-structured itinerary to ensure safety and maximize the chances of reaching the summit successfully. It is an extraordinary adventure that tests both physical and mental limits, providing a unique opportunity to witness the awe-inspiring beauty of Africa's highest peak.

Kilimanjaro Climbing Routes and Duration

There are several routes available for climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, each route offering a different experience in terms of duration and difficulty.

  • Lemosho Route
  • This Lemosho Route is a most sellected choice for Mt Kilimanjaro tour, it provides a more gradual ascent, with options for 6, 7, 8 and 9 days. This route is known for its scenic beauty and low traffic. The Lemosho Route is favored by many climbers for its stunning scenic beauty, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes throughout the journey. The route starts in the lush rainforests, where you can spot various wildlife and unique plant species.

  • Machame Route
  • Machame Route is slightly longer, with a 6 days or 7 days option. It is considered more challenging but offers stunning views and diverse landscapes. Machame Route, also known as the "Whiskey" route, is slightly longer than other routes, typically taking 6 or 7 days, to complete. It is renowned for its challenging nature, making it a popular choice for experienced climbers seeking a more adventurous and demanding ascent. Despite its difficulty, the Machame Route rewards climbers with breathtaking views and a remarkable variety of landscapes throughout the journey

  • Londorossi Route
  • This Lemosho Route is a most sellected choice for Mt Kilimanjaro tour, it provides a more gradual ascent, with options for 6, 7, 8 and 9 days. This route is known for its scenic beauty and low traffic. The Lemosho Route is favored by many climbers for its stunning scenic beauty, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes throughout the journey. The route starts in the lush rainforests, where you can spot various wildlife and unique plant species.

  • Marangu Route
  • The Marangu Route is the shortest and most popular option, with 5 days and 7 days itinerary. It is known as the "Coca-Cola" route and provides hut accommodations along the way.

  • Rongai Route
  • The Rongai Route, starting from the northern side of Kilimanjaro, provides a serene and less congested journey to the summit. This route is known for its tranquility and offers multiple duration options, including 6-day, 7-day, 8-day, and 9-day itineraries.

  • Umbwe Route
  • Another route is Umbwe Route is considered one of the most challenging routes to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. It is renowned for its steep and demanding nature, making it a suitable choice for experienced climbers looking for a thrilling and adrenaline-pumping adventure. The route typically takes around 7 days to complete, allowing for proper acclimatization to the high altitude. Due to its difficulty, the Umbwe Route is less crowded compared to other popular routes, providing a sense of solitude during the climb. However, it is important to note that this route requires excellent physical fitness, endurance, and previous climbing experience.

    Styles For Kilimanjaro Climbing Tour

    When it comes to climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, there are two main styles of tours: group joining and private tours.

  • Group Joining
  • In this style of tour you join a group of other climbers who are also interested in climbing Kilimanjaro. This type of tour is more affordable since the costs are shared among the group members and it can also be a great opportunity to meet new people and share the experience together.

  • Private Tour
  • On the other hand, a private tour is more exclusive and personalized. In a private tour, you have the flexibility to choose your own dates, itinerary, and have dedicated guides and porters for your group only. This option offers more privacy and customization, but it is generally more expensive compared to a group joining tour. Both categories have their own advantages, and it depends on your preferences and budget to decide which one suits you best.

    Acclimatization and Success Rate

    The success rate of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro is 65-97%, this varies depending on the duration(5-11 days) of the climb. For 5 days trek, the success rate is lower compared to longer durations due to the limited time for acclimatization. Climbers who opt for this shorter duration face a more challenging ascent and may experience difficulties adjusting to the altitude, resulting in a lower success rate. For 6 days climb, the success rate improves slightly as it allows for an additional day of acclimatization. This extra day helps climbers adjust to the altitude and increases their chances of reaching the summit successfully. A 7-day climb offers better chances of reaching the summit. The longer duration provides more time for acclimatization and allows to adapt to the high altitude, increasing chances of success. This additional time on the mountain helps mitigate the risks of altitude-related illnesses and enhances the overall climbing experience. For those who choose a 9 days climb, the success rate is highest. The extended duration provides ample time for acclimatization, allowing climbers to ascend at a slower pace and reduce the risk of altitude sickness. This longer itinerary includes extra rest days, enabling the body to adjust and recover, leading to successfully summiting Kilimanjaro. NB It's important to note that success rates can still vary depending on individual fitness levels, previous altitude experiences and the ability to adapt to changing conditions during the climb. Additionally, the support of experienced guides, proper gear and a well-planned itinerary are crucial factors that contribute to a successful summit.

    Kilimanjaro Climbing Special Tours

    Kilimanjaro climbing special tours offer unique experiences and memorable moments for those who see to add an extra touch of celebration and significance to their ascent. These special tours on Kilimanjaro provide climbers with the opportunity to infuse their climb with added significance and celebration, turning the journey into an even more remarkable and cherished experience. One such special tour is the Christmas summit, where climbers aim to reach the peak of Kilimanjaro during the festive season. This allows climbers to celebrate Christmas at the summit, surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of the mountain and the joyous spirit of the holiday. Similarly, the New Year summit is another special tour that holds a special allure. Climbing Kilimanjaro on New Year's Eve or in the early hours of New Year's Day offers a symbolic start to the year, with the joy of standing on the summit as the clock strikes midnight. It provides a powerful sense of accomplishment and serves as a memorable way to welcome the new year. For those who wish to add an extra touch of magic to their climb, a full moon summit is an enchanting option. Reaching the summit of Kilimanjaro under the illumination of a full moon offers a surreal experience, with the mountain bathed in ethereal light and the surrounding landscape casting long shadows. The night-time ascent under the moonlight creates an atmosphere of mystique and adds an element of wonder to the journey. Lastly, celebrating a birthday on a Kilimanjaro climb can be an extraordinary way to mark a milestone in one's life. Climbing the mountain on your special day adds a unique sense of personal achievement and creates lasting memories. Whether it's blowing out candles at the summit or sharing the experience with fellow climbers, a birthday ascent on Kilimanjaro can turn into a truly unforgettable adventure.

    Kilimanjaro: Accommodation, Cost-Price ad Meals


    The accommodation options on Kilimanjaro cater to a range of preferences, offering both luxury and basic choices. Most routes provide designated campsites where climbers can set up tents for their overnight stays. However, Marangu route stands out by offering shared hut accommodations with dormitory-style bunk beds at Mandara, Kibo Hut, and Horombo Hut. This unique feature provides a more sheltered and communal sleeping arrangement, particularly favored by those who prefer a slightly higher level of comfort during their climb. Regardless of the chosen route and accommodation type, it is important to ensure a good rest to maintain energy and physical well-being throughout the journey to the summit of Kilimanjaro.


    Cost of Kilimanjaro climbing varies based on several factors. The price for climbing Kilimanjaro climbing range from $1,250 to $2,500. However, it's important to note that these prices are approximate and subject to change. The actual cost depends on various factors such as the chosen route, the duration of the climb, the level of service and amenities provided and the number of climbers in a group. It's advisable to carefully consider the inclusions, services and reputation of the climbing operator when comparing prices to ensure a safe and well-organized climbing experience within your budget.


    During your Kilimanjaro climb, the food you eat will play a vital role in providing you with the necessary energy to sustain the demanding trek. Each day, you will be served well-balanced and nourishing meals that consist of high-quality carbohydrates along with other essential nutrients. These meals are carefully designed to meet the energy demands of the climb and to aid in your body's recovery and performance. Carbohydrate-rich foods are chosen as they are easily digestible and provide a quick source of energy. They help refill glycogen stores in your muscles, ensuring you have the stamina and endurance needed to tackle the challenging terrain. Additionally, the meals are prepared with a focus on quality, aiming to provide nourishment and keep you fueled throughout your Kilimanjaro adventure.

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