The Marangu Route On Mt:Kilimanjaro Climbing (5 &6 Days) Call Us    The Marangu Route On Mt:Kilimanjaro Climbing (5 &6 Days)Mail Us    The Marangu Route On Mt:Kilimanjaro Climbing (5 &6 Days)Tanzania - Moshi

Mt:Kilimanjaro - Marangu Route
The Best Route To Climb Kilimanjaro In:
5 & 6 Days

This Marangu Route is the one of the most popular trekking routes on Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. It is also known as the Coca-Cocola route because it is considered the easiest and most straightforward route to the summit, making it popular among beginners and less experienced climbers. The Marangu Route starts at the Marangu Gate on the southeastern side of the mountain and usually takes about 5-6 days. One of the highlight of the Marangu Route is the opportunity to witness the stunning views from the summit of Uhuru Peak, which stand at (5895 metres),(1934feet) above the sea level.

20 Tours

Summary For The Marangu Route On Mt:Kilimanjaro (5 - 6 Days)

No of Days Success Rate {%} Acclimatize {ft} Price Range {$}
6-Day 70% - 75% 11 & 13(000s) $1400 - $1600
7-Day 75% - 80% 13000s ft $1700 - $1900
The Marangu Route On Mt:Kilimanjaro Climbing (5-6 Days)
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About Marangu Route On Mt:Kilimanjaro

The Marangu Route, also known as the "Coca Cola Route", is a one of the most popular routes for climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa located in Tanzania.The Marangu is often chosen due to its relatively easy terrain and comfortable accomodation options.The Marangu Route is known for its gradual slopes and well maintained paths, making it suitable for those with less hiking exprience. It is also the only route on Kilimanjaro that offers hut accomodation, providing trekkers with a more allowing climbers to rest and socialize in a sheltered environment. The trek on Marangu route is almost takes about five to six days to complete.

5-Day Marangu Route Kilimanjaro Climbing

The 5-day Marangu route is the shortest and most expedited option availabe for climbing Kilimanjaro. It is often chosen by experienced hikers or those who are confident in their physical fitness and acclimatization abilities.The route covers approximately 64 kilimeters (40 miles) and follows a more direct direct path to the summit.

6-Day Marangu Route Kilimanjaro Climbing

The 6-day Marangu route is a slightly longer variant that allows for more gradual acclimatization and increased chances of summit success. This route is recommended for most climbers as it provides extra time for the body to adjust to the altitude, reducing the risk of altitude-related sickness.

Marangu Route Success Rate Kilimanjaro Climbing

The Success rate on the Marangu Route can vary depending on several factors, including the climber's fitness level altitude acclimatization, weather conditions, and overall preparation. Its generally estimated that the success rate for reaching the summit, Uhuru Peak, via the Marangu Route range from 40% to 60%. Factors that can impact the success rate on the Marangu Route include the following:

  • Altitude acclimatization:
  • Adequate acclimatization is crucial to reduce the risk of altitude-related illnesses and increase the chances of successfully reaching the summit. The 6-day Marangu Route, which includes an extra acclimatization day, generally has a higher success rate compared to the 5-day route.

  • Physical fitness:
  • Being in good physical shape and having prior hiking experience can contribute to a higher success rate. Regular training and preparation, including cardiovascular exercises and hiking practice, can improve your stamina and endurance during the climb.

  • Weather conditions:
  • Unpredictable weather, such as extreme cold, high winds, or heavy precipitation, can make the climb more challenging and affect the success rate. It's essential to plan your climb during the recommended seasons and be prepared for changing weather conditions.

  • Guide and support:
  • The expertise and experience of your guide and support team can greatly impact your success rate. Professional guides who are knowledgeable about the route, safety protocols, and potential challenges can provide essential guidance and support throughout the climb.

    Group Joining & Private Marangu Route Kilimanjaro

  • Group Joining Kilimanjaro Climbing Marangu Route
  • This Group joining is the type of routes on the Marangu Route tend to be more cost-effective compared to private treks. By joining a group, climbers can share the costs of permits, camping equipment, guides, and other logistics, making it a more budget-friendly option.Group treks allow climbers to meet and interact with fellow adventurers from different backgrounds and cultures. It offers the opportunity to share experiences, motivate each other, and create lasting memories together. Group routes can foster a sense of camaraderie and make the trek more enjoyable for individuals who prefer a social aspect.

  • Private Kilimanjaro Climbing Marangu Route
  • This Private Marangu Route climbing is the type of Marangu route which offer greater flexibility and the ability to customize the itinerary according to individual preferences and schedules. Climbers have more control over the pace, rest days, and specific requirements during the trek. Private routes can be tailored to accommodate specific fitness levels, acclimatization needs, or personal preferences for a more personalized experience.Private routes allow for more one-on-one interaction with guides and support staff. This personalized attention can be beneficial for climbers who require additional guidance, support, or have specific needs. Guides can provide tailored assistance, adapt the pace, and cater to individual preferences, optimizing the chances of a successful summit.

    Therefore; the choice between a group or private route on the Marangu Route depends on factors such as budget, desired level of social interaction, customization preferences, and the overall trekking experience climbers are seeking. Both options have their advantages and provide opportunities for a memorable and successful climb on Mount Kilimanjaro.

    Price for 5 - 6-Day Group Join Marangu Route Kilimanjaro Climbing

    No of Days Group Joining Private
    6-Day 1450 1500
    7-Day 1900 1950
    The Marangu Route On Mt: Kilimanjaro Climbing (5-6 Days)
    See Us on TripAdvisor

    5 - 6 Days Marangu Route Kilimanjaro Climbing Packages
    (Private & Group Joining)


    5-Day Kilimanjaro Climbing Marangu Route


    6-Day Kilimanjaro Climbing Marangu Route

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